Wednesday, November 24, 2010

KJV clearly relect a Calvinistic perspective

Chester explains the Calvinistic perspectives on KJV.

Is AV KJV perfect?

Chester explains the King James Version 1611 perfect?

Listen to KJVO

Video Clips from Film - Preacher tried to show you KJB.

Difference between Hyper-Calvinist, Calvinism & Arminianism

Ken explains the difference between Hyper-Calvinism, Calvinism and Arminianism.

John 1:13 Regeneration

Billy explains on John 1:13 and Regeneration.

Sign for Calvinism

Billy explains the sign for Calvinism.

Jari's Cartoon Clip

Billy made a closeup on Cartoon Clip.

Choose Us that or because we are holiness?

Jari explains which you think what God choose us - that or because we are in holiness.

Faith vs. Regeneration

Jari explains two methods of salvation by Holy Spirit. Which one do you choose first -- faith or regeneration ?

Hyles Cultist on Regeneration Part 2

Jari explains Hyles-soul winning with KJVO issues. Part 2

Hyles Cultist on Regeneration Part 1

Jari explains Hyles-soul winning with KJVO issues.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Effectual Call by God - Bro. Jari

Bro. Jari explains the effectual call by God.